I currently serve as a co-lead of the Ends-of-the-Earth mission team at
Hibernia Baptist Church. We are working to connect every Bible Study Class
with at least one foreign missionary. I have been blessed to be a part of
eight short-term foreign mission trips, one to Burundi, Africa and seven to
Brazil. Serving as the team lead for many of these trips has truly been a
blessing, not only seeing God changing lives in other countries, but seeing
the lives of our own team members changed. There is a lost world out there
and they are waiting to be told the truth. I am amazed at how receptive
people are to hearing the word of God, they are willing to stop what they
are doing and invite you into their home. No matter whether it is Africa,
Brazil or America, I have found so many good people that are headed to hell
- we must love them enough, to give up a little, to share the truth. If I
could put into words the impact a mission trip would have on your personal
relationship with Jesus, we would have to charter several airplanes to take
everyone that would want to go. Whether your calling is a local ministry or
not, going on a short-term mission trip will prepare you and grow you in
ways that will benefit your ministry back here at home. Thank you for your
prayers, support and participation.